Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Chapter 9: The Return of Me :)

Yesterday, our countdown began at 7:55am in the morning when I received an sms:

"Ala baru 7.55 pagi..12 hours to go..love u"

Enough to make my day :) and to motivate me to double up the speed of whatever I shud do yesterday so I can step out from office the moment the clock ticked to 1 minute after 4 pm.

However, as I clicked the 'Send' button for submission of data to GT$ at 3:54pm, Boss came and asked to shoot an email to explain/correct OtherBoss's misinterpretation. So 6 minutes left to mengarang email, minus 5 minutes discussing with Boss=1 minute left! Rempiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Manela pukul 4.01pm kan. Maula lambat! Coupled with the fact that we have to pick up another passenger & fill up the tank, around 5pm jugakla managed to push off. Tak campur bottleneck kat Bukit Kuang lagi tu. LoML called at 5pm and when i told him that we were still at Kijal, he sounded so down. Aduiiiiii...pujukan2ku tidak berjaya menaikkan tone suara dia kepada his usual chirpy side. :( And he too, didnt ask abt my whereabouts every now and then..

But I kinda know why.

As i reached my stop, I called him. But it went unanswered. But I kinda know why.
I saw his car few metres away. He must be...

..sleeping in the car,
..since God knows when.

I kinda feel that he waited for me since he got out of office. He looked like just woken up from some sleep.

And we reached home (after dinner kat Uptown), we were greeted by

and as if that is not enuff,

Tidak semena2 saya telah mencair seperti jelly hingga terguling2 atas katil buat seketika :)


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