Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Smooth Legs?

Have u guys came across the ad in Facebook - My Smooth Legs? Which appears a lot, with different pictures?
I was actually quite interested in buying it, but then, i came across a forum on the Net discussing abt the stuff - and someone from Malaysia revealed that there was a Chinese girl featured in the ad's testimonial - claimed to be customer from Malaysia - was actually his friend, which used to be a beauty pageant (if I forgot the real story, then ini ada unsur2 rekaan hehe)..and NO, she never made such testimonial/shooting. Busted! So automatically, i thought, the product might be lousy as it can't even get a credible testimonial to begin with.

Anyway, as i was browsing in Guardian today, i came across this:

p/s credit to this site.

so i decided to give it a try.
and voila! it works! i tried it on my legs and it feels so smooth thereafter!

if u're interested, it's available in Guardian at RM39.90 (if i remember correctlylah).
go try! kat ketiak ke..heheheh.


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